Law Enforcement

Impound Information

Our PRIMARY TOW LOT is located at 8950 Federal Blvd. Federal Heights, CO 80260

We have a secondary lot located at 5702 Lipan St. Denver, CO 80216

Please call us to determine where your vehicle was towed.

Our PHONE NUMBER is 303-733-7809. (Same phone number for both locations.)

Vehicles are inventoried using the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number.) Please be prepared to provide the last six digits of the VIN. 

Car Pound Hours:

Monday - Friday 9am to 5PM 

Saturday 9AM - 1PM

Closed to the public Sundays and Holidays

What Do I Need To get my vehicle?

  • If your vehicle has a POLICE HOLD on it, you may not view or do anything with the vehicle until the police remove the hold. We must receive a written HOLD RELEASE from the police department that placed the hold before the owner (or anyone other than police officers/investigators) can access or release the vehicle.
  • A vehicle can only be released to the lawful owner in person at the tow lot, an insurance company, a lien holder, or with written permission for another person to release it. Written permission must be in English and specify the authorized person's name and pertinent vehicle information (including the VIN). It also MUST BE NOTARIZED. The written authorization may be emailed to [email protected]
  • To drive the vehicle out of the lot, the vehicle must have current registration and insurance, and the driver must show a valid driver's license.
  • If the police towed your vehicle because it lacked current registration, you must bring current registration to drive or tow the vehicle from the lot.
  • The vehicle may be towed out of the lot ONLY BY LICENSED TOW TRUCKS with valid PUC and DOT credentials. The tow truck must be labeled with current PUC and DOT credentials. A motorcycle may be removed from the lot when properly secured to the bed of a truck or trailer.
  • Due to insurance restrictions, no one is allowed to work on a vehicle on our property. This includes replacing the battery, changing a tire, etc. We do not have equipment to put air in tires. If you know you have a flat tire(s), plan on towing the vehicle from the lot.

Can I get items from my vehicle?

  • Only lawful owners (or an authorized person with written permission from the owner) may access an impounded vehicle. Written permission must specify the authorized person's name along with pertinent vehicle information including the full VIN. The written authorization MUST BE NOTARIZED and must be in English. It may be emailed to [email protected]
  • Only loose personal items may be retrieved from an impounded vehicle. Anything requiring tools to take from the vehicle (other than license plates) cannot be removed. This includes items such as roof racks, radios, speakers, etc.
  • There is never a charge to retrieve personal items from an impounded vehicle. Access may be granted during the hours the lot is closed for emergency purposes only (prescription meds, to retrieve a house key, etc.)

charges & paying for an impounded vehicle

Every impounded vehicle will incur an initial tow charge and one day of storage once it is placed in the tow lot. Each day the vehicle is in the lot, a daily storage fee is incurred. Currently that fee is $40 each day. In addition, a Title Search is conducted within 48 hours so that lien holders, insurance companies, and other concerned parties may be notified by certified mail that the vehicle is impounded. Currently that fee is $150. The title fee will not be waived regardless of whether the owner has the title to the vehicle.

  • If a vehicle initially had a POLICE HOLD on it, storage for the vehicle will not accumulate until once the HOLD was officially removed by the police. The initial tow charge and a day of storage will be charged once the HOLD is removed. Additional storage will accumulate each day after the police HOLD was removed. Additionally, a Title Search will be conducted within 48 hours of the HOLD being dropped by police. Currently that charge is $150.
  • Payment to release an impounded vehicle must be made in person at the lot in which the vehicle is located. Please call to determine where your vehicle is located.
  • Payment may be made in cash, or credit/debit card with a 3.5% usage fee. A business check may be accepted for insurance companies, lien holders, or if the vehicle is owned by a company. No personal checks are accepted.
  • If someone other than the owner of the vehicle is making a credit card payment toward the vehicle, that individual must appear in person to make the payment with a physical card (no Apple Pay, etc.) with an ID that matches the card.
  • The owner of an impounded vehicle may elect to sign over the title to the vehicle if it is damaged beyond its value and no longer wanted. In that case, all charges will be waived and an invoice will be issued to indicate that nothing is owed for the tow/impound/storage. After the owner retrieves all personal items, we will dispose of the vehicle.

Do I need to Pay if My car was stolen?

  • Every impounded vehicle needs to be paid for before it is released. Payment can be made by the owner, someone else who is physically present at the tow yard with the owner, an insurance company with authorization from the owner, or a lien holder with proper paperwork to recover the vehicle.
  • The Colorado Department of Public Safety has initiated a program to assist victims of auto theft. Please refer to the CAPT (Colorado Auto Theft Prevention Authority) website for information about qualifications and resources: